Ricardo Vinícius Dias Jordão, 2013

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1.   JORDÃO, R. V. D. ; NOVAS, J. C.. An integrative model applied to the management control systems, intellectual capital and knowledge management. Évora: Working Paper do CEFAGE. Indexado pela Ideas - REPEC - http://ideas.repec.org/s/cfe/wpcefa.html.. 2013. ARTIGO
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2.   JORDÃO, R. V. D. ; NOVAS, J. C. ; SOUZA, A. A.. On the relationships between strategy, management control system and post-acquisition management: an analysis in a successful emerging market experience. Évora: Working Paper do CEFAGE. Indexado pela Ideas - REPEC - http://ideas.repec.org/s/cfe/wpcefa.html.. 2013. ARTIGO
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Data de processamento: 03/03/2015 06:36:43